security cameras. They’re static, rotating; hanging off the ceiling, sitting on a shelf; hidden, visible; indoors, outdoors. Whether in your home or place of business, security cameras are a part of the world we live in. No matter where or how they are used, they see and capture things we’d rather not see but are thankful for nonetheless. Within these security cameras, the memory card is the vital piece of tech that allows us to see what the camera saw and recorded. We are, after all, capturing video that could prove necessary and useful at some point. So, it’s important to make sure images are clean and clear. A security camera with a microSD card loose in the card slot So, how do we assure ourselves that we are purchasing a memory card that suits our needs and provides quality images? We do our homework and check out a few critical features such as the capacity, speed and durability of the cards that interest us. After that, we choose a brand we trust.